
Web Development

I develop websites and draw with code. Have a look at the above symmetry experiment: you can adjust its appeareance by clicking or tapping on it.

Some web projects:

a drum machine (ReactJS)

an imaginary company website (ReactJS)

Below is a quote picker written using ReactJS and animated using Javascript. Try picking one!

See the Pen Random Quote Machine FCC by Ale Cesana (@ale5) on CodePen.


I create interactive installations, taking care of system design, software development, hardware assembly and project management.

Interactive installation, Australian Open 2017 (C++)

A 3D pattern generator (C++)

Interactive installation at Girls&Boys (C++)

Burning Seed Decompression Party 2018, Northcote VIC. A volumetric LED installation I wrote sound reactive patterns for (Java)

Interactive installation at Rainbow Serpent 2018, scroll across to see more footage (C++)

The first version of this website intro animation


I started coding in C++ while graduating in Materials Science. I have been working in the electronics industry for the past four years, designing, assembling and programming a variety of electronics and software products as a freelance developer.

My skillset spans across web development, creative coding and embedded systems programming, backed by a solid scientific background.

I love solving problems in efficient, scalable and creative ways.

I live in Melbourne, Australia.
